Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My Educational Philosophy

I am a strong believer that every child is different, and therefore learns differently. In order to meet the needs of every child it is important to use differentiated instruction in order to appeal to the different learning styles. As educators, it is our responsibility to give our students every opportunity to become successful. Of course, that may mean spending extra time in the classroom, but our students deserve our time and attention. Parents entrust their children to us, so I believe it is our responsibility to provide students with an environment that they are comfortable in. A classroom is a place where children not only learn curriculum such as math and reading, but they also learn important life lessons and skills such as communicating with their peers. Therefore, I believe we need to foster an environment that promotes such learning experiences.
As a math teacher I strongly believe that students need to practice, practice, and practice some more. In my classroom I provide my students with lots of examples, and not just the ones from the book. I then assign a lot of homework, which is of course then followed by moans and groans from the students. I know that some teachers have strayed from giving as much homework as they have in years passed, but I strongly believe that homework is vital to students understanding and also in assessing the students. In saying all of this, I also understand that some people struggle with math or just plain do not like the subject. I get it, I struggled with history when I was in school. But I don't send the students home with all of this work and expect them to know how to do every little bit without any problems. I try to provide my students with any help or assistance they may need.  

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